What is a PRP Facelift?
A PRP facelift, commonly called the Vampire Facelift, is emerging as a lower-cost, natural, simpler option to traditional facelifts. It is frequently used to enhance other treatments, such as biocompatible injectable fillers, fat transfer, and Fraxel laser procedures.
People undergo PRP facelifts for the same reasons as a traditional one- namely, to help the skin appear more youthful. Benefits from undergoing the Vampire Facelift include a rosier complexion (as opposed to dull or gray), restoring contour, bolsters structural support, and many others. One of the most attractive benefits of PRP facelifts is that it is a non-surgical procedure- with virtually zero risk of post-op infection- unlike its traditional predecessor.
How it Works
The PRP Facelift has three steps:
The physician will isolate growth factors from the patient’s blood.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers are injected into the skin. These are what help shape more youthful contours.
Multi-potent stem cells are activated once growth factors are detected. This supports the growth of new tissues. PRP helps produce collagen, which provides support in building facial structure. A PRP facelift generates new fatty tissues and blood vessels; the former is responsible for smoother-looking skin, while the latter restores a healthy, youthful glow.
Recovering From a PRP Facelift
Recovering from a Vampire service requires little effort… just a lot of patience!
Expect full recovery to take around 2-3 months. On the first day or so, some redness, tenderness, and bruising are normal. By the third day, these side effects should subside drastically (if not completely). This post-op swelling and bruising will gradually diminish until revealing a younger, healthier you! Some patients report their skin having a sandpaper-like quality the day after their procedure. If you experience this side effect, it takes up to one week to subside.
While these changes may be uncomfortable, minimal downtime is required due to them. You can return to your daily activities as early as the same day of your procedure.
Results vary but typically last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
How to Prolong the Benefits of a PRP Facelift
Like recovering from a traditional facelift, sun protection and moisturizing are paramount in helping yourself heal in the days following your PRP facelift.
The decision of which procedure to undergo is entirely up to you. Hopefully, this article has given you some idea of the pros and cons of each procedure and has informed you enough to make an educated decision.
If you have further concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a free consultation.